Deansgate Square - South Tower

Deansgate Square, Deansgate, Manchester, M15, Manchester

Manchester, M15

Starting Price
£259,000 - £2,600,000
(approx £258,999 - £2,600,000)
GBP (£)
EUR (€)
USD ($)
AED (د.إ)
Completion Date: 2023-06-02
Property ID: a0O1I000003GRsoUAG
Summary Section
Completion Date
01 Jan 2020
Tenure Type
Ground Rent
One beds £200, Two beds + £300, Car parking space £25,000
Estimate Service Charge Ground
£2.75 psf p.a


1 Bed, 2 Bed, 3 Bed, Penthouse

Deansgate Square is a luxury development comprising 1508 apartments across four impressive towers designed by renowned architects Simpson Haugh. Located in an iconic location, Deansgate, at the southern end of Manchester city centre . All four towers enjoy unrivalled views across the city and countryside beyond and the development overlooks the River Medlock. The apartments are a mix of one, two...

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