No.1 Palace Street, The St. Regis Residences

One Palace Street, Prime Central London, SW1E, London

London, SW1E

Starting Price
£2,870,000 - £35,570,000
(approx £2,870,000 - £35,570,000)
GBP (£)
EUR (€)
USD ($)
AED (د.إ)
Completion Date: 2024-02-01
Property ID: a0O1I000003HErCUAW
Summary Section
Palace Revive Development Limited
Completion Date
29 Sep 2024
Tenure Type
Estimate Service Charge Ground
£16.95 per SqFt


1 Bed, 2 Bed, 3 Bed, 4 Bed, 5 Bed

No.1 Palace Street, The St. Regis Residences is located opposite Buckingham Palace, Westminster and adjacent to St James's Park - one of London's most sought-after neighbourhoods. This palatial development is an exceptional collection of 72 private apartments, across an island site comprising five different architectural styles.

Conceived by Northacre and SHUAA Capital, No.1 Palace...

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