The Broadway

Broadway, Central London, SW1H, London

London, SW1H

Starting Price
£1,585,000 - £27,500,000
(approx £1,585,000 - £27,500,000)
GBP (£)
EUR (€)
USD ($)
AED (د.إ)
Completion Date: 2024-06-05
Property ID: a0O1I000001Jvg4UAC
Summary Section
BL Development Ltd
Completion Date
31 Aug 2022
Tenure Type
Ground Rent
Estimate Service Charge Ground
£13.50 per SqFt pa, plus £2,500 pa for parking


1 Bed, 2 Bed, 3 Bed, 4 Bed, 5 Bed

A luxury collection of one to five bedroom apartments across six architecturally striking towers. Located in historic Westminster and providing unrivalled views of The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

Conceived by Northacre and SHUAA Capital, The Broadway embodies all of the hallmarks of a world-class development.

Introducing a vibrant new...

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